Sunday, October 30, 2005

Memoirs of a Geisha - First Listen!

Memoirs of a Geisha by John Williams featuring Yo Yo Ma and Itzhak PerlmanDan Goldwasser at SoundtrackNet has recently added his "first listen" feature for JOHN WILLIAMS' upcoming score to MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA.

Based on the brief clips presented, it sounds like MEMOIRS is standard, contemporary JOHN WILLIAMS fare. Of course, it goes without saying that "standard fare" from Williams is generally pretty good stuff. In other words, MEMOIRS will lkely be satisfying enough, but will probably not have the online music forums burning up.

Now, with the inclusion of both YO YO MA and ITZHAK PERLMAN, my expectations of the performance of Williams' score have certainly risen. From what I hear, looks as though the two virtuosos have delivered. Interestingly, this score sounds as though it will have more in common with John Williams' classical works than his body of film music. We shall see about that.

From the brief audio-glimpse provided at SoundtrackNet, I'm fairly confident that MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA's score will hardly disappoint. Head on over and check out the clips for yourself - here.

Or head over to Amazon to secure your copy.
Order Memoirs of a Geisha by John Williams from