Friday, November 04, 2005

The Island by Steve Jablonsky

The Island by Steve JablonskySteve Jablonsky's score for THE ISLAND is just what you might expect given that it is, afterall, a Michael Bay film. Doing a pretty good Trevor Rabin impression, Jablonsky fires off about as many synthesizers and samples as Bay likes to fire off guns and bombs. Thankfully, there was a bit more to this project the the norm. This Bay film surprises in that there is actually some intrigue in the plot while the score does so as well.

Don't look for any ukeleles, steel drums or coconut-percussions here. THE ISLAND is atmospheric in a cold, technological way. One of the first surprises are the rhymes being dropped in the midst of track 7, "Mass Vehicular Carnage." Whether that is a "good thing" or not is dependent upon your disposition towards the hip-hopian culture. I found that it broke up what was becoming a fairly monotonous score.

Now, after coming to the conclusion that there was likely not going to be anything by way of melodic theme anywhere on this soundtrack, I was again mildly jolted. Track 14, "My name is Lincoln" is very satisfying concluding track (as far as the score goes). The track slowly swells until a quick-tempoed rhythm works its way in behind a light chorus. After some 50 minutes of some highly industrial music, this track serves as a rescuing respite. It's too bad there wasn't more of it.

Tracksounds Rating: 4/10
Soundtrack Rating

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