Review by Christopher Coleman
In the the 3 years since the last LORD OF THE RINGS film was released, there has been somewhat of a void in the collective hearts of the film music appreciation community. Sure, there have been good scores released since then, but nothing with the scope or depth of HOWARD SHORE's masterwork for Peter Jackson trilogy.
Further disappointment was dealt to Shore fans with his departure from the KING KONG project. His work, however satisfying, for A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE, still didn't quite feed the musical hunger he, himself created with his music for THE LORD OF THE RINGS.
The video game genre to the rescue!
The MMORPG (that's MASSIVE ONLINE ROLE PLAYING GAME) SUN: SOUL OF THE ULTIMATE NATION has caused a stir in the gaming world. The producers of the game, having been clearly influenced by Peter Jackson's LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy, were somehow able to land the Rings composer himself, Howard Shore. Filled with Lord of the Ring-like camera angles, set pieces, and character-types, who would be a better choice to compose the game's score?
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