You may recognize the name of GARRY SCHYMAN as the composer for video game scores BIOSHOCK and DESTROY ALL HUMANS, but recently another work of his was released with the latest edition of Matthew Harding's online video "DANCING" for 2008.
GARRY SCHYMAN met the video's creator MATT HARDING at the E3 convention back in 2005. Harding was once a game developer and DESTROY ALL HUMANS was originally his idea. In 2006, when Harding needed music for "Dancing 2006," Garry Schyman was the only composer Matt knew. When asked to write the music, Schyman nearly turned it down, but changed his mind at the last minute...and the rest is web-video history.
In the 2008 version of the video, pay close attention as you will see GARRY SCHYMAN conducting the string section used in the piece with Matt, of course, doing his patented jig just in front. The music you hear is entitled "Praan," and was composed specifically for this video and his now available at AmazonMP3!
Before you watch, I'll briefly comment that the concept of this video is very simple, yet eventually came to affect me profoundly (as well as quite a few other people). The first time I watched it, I laughed. The second time, I found tears rolling across my smile. I wasn't quite sure why...but soon the thought that dawned on me (and is perhaps the point of this video) that despite all the things that divide us in this world of ours . . .
We all dance....even together, if we so choose.
You can read more about Matt Harding's videography at his official site, Where the Hell is Matt?
Read more about composer Garry Schyman here.
You can download composer Garry Schyman's music for this video, "Praan" here at AmazonMP3.
Read more about composer Garry Schyman here.
You can download composer Garry Schyman's music for this video, "Praan" here at AmazonMP3.
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