Sunday, November 08, 2009

Mayhem of the Music Meister (Batman: The Brave and the Bold) Soundtrack Review

Mayhem of the Music Meister (Batman: The Brave and the Bold) Soundtrack Review

Batman - The Musical
Review by Christopher Coleman

I have to admit. The first time I had even heard of the series: BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD was when I received this advance CD of music from the show. I was surprised to find that the music contained therein is from just one episode of the newest of the Batman animated series: "Mayhem of the Music Meister" was the 25th episode from the series' first season and first aired in July of 2009. I reluctantly popped the disc in, fully expecting to hear as many Elfman-Walker-Zimmerisms as their tv-budget would allow for, but was surprised once again. Truthfully, I was dumbfounded at what I heard. Batman, but Broadway-style!

After my initial shock and even displeasure wore off (afterall, how could they forget just how utterly dark and menacing the caped-crusader is?), I became intrigued with how a superhero cartoon could possibly warrant this sort of music. I was finally able to view the episode, and my feeling about this soundtrack did a full 180. The visual and episodic-style of BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD is certainly less serious than it's animated-predecessors and frankly, much more fun. It hearkens back to the Silver Age style of comics, but with a distinct measure of contemporary freshness. The concept of the original comic series from the 1950s teamed two or more heroes together to defeat the villain du jour and that format is continued in this new Cartoon Network series. "Mayhem of the Music Meister" is a little gem of an episode that doesn't just add in a handful of distinctive musical numbers for kicks, but the music is an integral part of the plot, giving composers: MICHAEL MCCUISTION, LOLITA RITMANIS, and KRISTOPHER CARTER (who comprise Dynamic Music Partners) and lyricists: JAMES TUCKER and MICHAEL JELENIC, a great opportunity to do something unique and fresh in the realm of the animated superhero.

Read the full review

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