Tuesday, August 13, 2013

True to Halo: Interview with Composer Tom Salta

True to Halo: Interview with Composer Tom Salta

True to Halo
Interview by Richard Buxton

Tom Salta, one of the most versatile and prolific music artists/producers working in film, television, advertising and video games, provides the original score for 343 Industries' first mobile title "Halo: Spartan Assault," an epic "Halo" experience for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 launching today. Released simultaneously with the game, the "Halo: Spartan Assault Original Soundtrack" features 27 tracks from Salta's original score and is available worldwide on Amazon, iTunes, Xbox Music and other digital music services through Microsoft Studios Music.

RB - Prior to working on the HALO franchise, perhaps the most notable projects of your career so far have come from the GHOST RECON series. How did you find yourself moving into the Halo franchise with COMBAT EVOLVED ANNIVERSARY and now SPARTAN ASSAULT?

I was fortunate to be asked to join the team that recreated the original Halo CE score for Halo Anniversary by my good friend and colleague Paul Lipson who I have known for over ten years. Both of us are huge Halo fans and he felt I would be a good choice to help craft a note-for-note re-creation of the original score. It was truly a labor of love for all of us involved.  Later, when Paul became music director at Microsoft, it was his job to find the composer to create the original score for Halo: Spartan Assault.  Having already worked together on Anniversary, he knew how passionate I was about Halo and trusted me with the job...

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