Sunday, June 04, 2017

Does the Wonder Woman Motif Work? Soundcast Stereo (Ep. 19)

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Episode 19 - Does the Wonder Woman Motif Work?

Kristen Romanelli and Christopher Coleman tackle perhaps the biggest question surrounding the new "Wonder Woman" film score, "Does the Wonder Woman motif work?"  Before doing so, they have a spoiler-laden discussion regarding their thoughts about the film, itself, as well as Rupert Gregson-Williams score, overall.  You'll find out just where each of them rank the film and respective score in the DCEU and what their hopes and expectations are for the next film "Justice League."

Episode Highlights

00:03 - Wonder Woman's Intro
02:30 - Reaction to the film (Spoilers!)
12:11 - Reaction to the score (Spoilers!)
18:46 - Did the Wonder Woman motif work? (Spoilers!)
27:11 - Did its use in BvS Help or Hurt Wonder Woman? (Spoilers!)
32:30 - Final thoughts and expectations for Justice League

Music Selections

00:00 - "Wonder Woman's Wrath" (Wonder Woman) by Rupert Gregson-Williams
32:00 - "No Man's Land" (Wonder Woman) by Rupert Gregson-Williams


Most of the soundtracks mentioned in this episode can be found at Amazon.  Your purchases through these links help us to keep on keepin' on!  Thank You!



The official podcast of, The SoundCast is hosted by Christopher Coleman and features reviews and discussions centered around film, TV, and video game soundtracks. Special edition episodes include interviews with composers and other industry professionals.

The Soundcast Stereo is co-hosted by Christopher Coleman and Erik Woods (Cinematic Sound Radio).  Each episode is a 30 minute (ish), two channel conversation about the world of film, television, and video game music.

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