Thursday, February 28, 2013

Superman and His Music - A Twitter Discussion

With the imminent return of Superman, via Zach Snyder's upcoming MAN OF STEEL, it's a sure bet JOHN WILLIAMS' original themes and scores for late-seventies, feature-film, iteration of Superman will be coming up in many forums and on countless social media platforms.  Add to this JOHN OTTMAN's exciting, recently released score for JACK THE GIANT SLAYER and his past connection to the Superman franchise (SUPERMAN RETURNS) and you get the following twitter conversation between Erik Woods (Cinematic Sound Radio), Christopher Coleman (Tracksounds), Dane Walker (Composer), Mark A. and Doug Adams (Author).

While some feel that JOHN OTTMAN could do more than a serviceable job scoring one of the upcoming STAR WARS films, not everyone agrees.  A large part of that disagreement comes from Ottman's treatment of Williams' well-known, well-loved, original themes for Superman.

Read through.  Judge for yourself.  And chime in!  Do you think John Ottman would make an acceptable choice to score one of the new Star War's films?  Did you enjoy his work for Superman Returns? ...

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